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NSPA’s Growing Support to the Alliance

NSPA’s Growing Support to the Alliance

In recent years, the NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) has continued to expand its support to NATO.   Annual final commitments can now exceed over 4 billion euros.  What has changed?  What trends are fueling that growth?  What are they purchasing on behalf of the Alliance?  

When NSPA was formed out of the merger of three former agencies, the NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (NAMSA), the Central Europe Pipeline Management Agency (CEPMA), and the NATO Airlift Management Agency (NAMA) on 1 July 2012 the new Agency’s vision was to expand its weapons system life cycle management responsibilities and develop a true multi-national Procurement and Acquisition capability for the Alliance.  That vision has become a reality.   NSPA now has 35 Support Partnerships, adding to and expanding its traditional Life Cycle Sustainment role, the Agency has completed new weapon systems acquisitions in both the Alliance Ground Surveillance Support Partnership and The Multinational Multi Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) Support Partnerships.  While in the support to operations area, they have launched a new Medical Support Partnership, and the Operational Logistics Support Partnership has grown to include 26 of 31 Nations.

NSPA’s Ammunition Support Partnership is a critical enabler to sustaining member nations’ support to Ukraine.   NATO’s Secretary General recognized NSPA’s recent contracts     for the purchase     of around 220,000 155-millimeter artillery shells worth 1.2 billion US dollars.  But NSPA is purchasing much more than just typical Army ordinance.  In Dec 2023,  NSPA  awarded a contract on behalf of the Spanish Navy for the delivery of Naval Strike Missiles.   NSPA most recently (Jan 2024) contributed to NATO’s air defense capabilities enhancement with the purchase of RBS 70 BOLIDE Missiles to be delivered in 2027.  In Jan 2024, NSPA announced its support to a coalition of nations, including Germany, the Netherlands, Romania, and Spain, with a contract for a combined quantity of up to 1,000 Patriot™ Guidance Enhanced Missiles (GEM-T), if all options are exercised.

Looking to the future, NSPA expertise is being applied in the Space domain through the Global Commercially Contracted Satellite Communications Support Partnership, in IT/Cyber partnerships, and NATO Common Funded projects such as the Alliance Future Surveillance and Control initiative.  The Operations Directorate’s Infrastructure and Engineering Program continues to be heavily tasked by NATO Headquarters.  New projects start in 2024 including warehouses in Latvia & the Netherlands,  ammunition storage in Lithuania, horizontal construction in Slovakia, and architecture & engineer services in Romania, and Role 2 medical treatment facilities for Italy.  NSPA will continue supporting KFOR with Facility Operation and Maintenance, Power Generation, and Real-Life Support contracts in Kosovo.  NSPA intends to organize a pre-solicitation conference (Q2 2024) regarding worldwide requirements for commercial and military aviation fuel and ground support operations.

The future of NSPA is bright and Precision Talent Solutions is well-positioned to help your company succeed in the NATO market.  Contact Jim Shields ( to learn more.